The Mystery of the She-Wolf of Siena
Why is the Roman she-wolf featured in Siena? This is surely the question that arises when visiting the historic city centre.
The she-wolf suckling the twins Romulus and Remus is certainly the most important symbol of ancient Rome. As a figurative theme, the image dates back to the 2nd century BC, at least if we take into consideration the dating of the she-wolf preserved in the Capitoline Museums in Rome.
Those who walk through the historic centre of Siena come across columns located in certain points of the city with the she-wolf suckling the twins above them. The presence of a purely Roman symbol in the Tuscan city is justified by a legend, known since the Middle Ages, which from the Renaissance takes on an “elegant literary guise”.
The myth of the foundation of Rome
The myth of the Rome foundation, linked to the twins Romulus and Remus, is certainly known to most, as is the fact that, following some legitimation problems, Remus was killed by his brother Romulus.
Well, it is precisely on the myth of the foundation of Rome that the legend of the Roman origins of Siena was born and developed. History has it that the Tuscan city was founded by the sons of Remus, Aschio and Senio who, to escape the wrath of their uncle Romulus, fled Rome, taking the Capitoline she-wolf with them, stealing it from the temple of Apollo. The lore also wants that, having arrived on the Tuscan hills, Senio founded Siena (in Latin Sena) and Aschio the village of Asciano.

The she-wolf represented in the floor of the Cathedral of Siena
The myth of the foundation of Rome
The myth of the Rome foundation, linked to the twins Romulus and Remus, is certainly known to most, as is the fact that, following some legitimation problems, Remus was killed by his brother Romulus.
Well, it is precisely on the myth of the foundation of Rome that the legend of the Roman origins of Siena was born and developed. History has it that the Tuscan city was founded by the sons of Remus, Aschio and Senio who, to escape the wrath of their uncle Romulus, fled Rome, taking the Capitoline she-wolf with them, stealing it from the temple of Apollo. The lore also wants that, having arrived on the Tuscan hills, Senio founded Siena (in Latin Sena) and Aschio the village of Asciano.
Other implications
Since the founder of Siena was a Roman according to this legend, Siena could be considered as the legitimate heir of the Roman world. Tracing the origins of Siena back to the time in which Rome would also be born responded to the precise desire – almost the need – to legitimise one’s existence through the “discovery” of noble roots and, at the same time, to claim a status of superiority compared to those cities that did not have these noble origins. Furthermore, the fact that such roots have been traced back to the ancient Romans is not accidental.
Fig. 2. One of the two she-wolves in front of the Cathedral reflected in the floor
Although the empire had fallen for centuries, in the Middle Ages Rome was still considered the capital of the world. Those who visited the city could still admire the grandiose ruins of what was once a glorious civilisation. Therefore, the Capitoline she-wolf, a symbol of Rome’s glorious past, became the symbol of Siena in the Middle Ages, which almost became a new Rome.
While this is the official version of the story, hardly anyone knows the important moment when the She-Wolf begins to be represented. Everything connects to a precise moment and happens for very particular reasons in the history of Siena…
Numerous featuring in Siena
There are numerous representations of the she-wolf in Siena. From the Middle Ages to the present day, its reproductions are so numerous that it is impossible to mention them all here. I will mention only the main ones:
- Among the oldest images of the Sienese she-wolf are the two sculptures kept in the Opera del Duomo museum, attributed to the workshop of Giovanni Pisano and dating back to the last decade of the thirteenth century. Those that are currently in the churchyard are copies (FIG.2);
- Another important sculpture, certainly the most beautiful of those that have come down to us, is the one in gilded bronze made by Giovanni di Turino in about 1430, which is kept in the Palazzo Pubblico;
- The mosaic Duomo floor; work of 1373 but extensively rebuilt in the nineteenth century (FIG.1);
- Finally, I recall the three columns with she-wolves, placed respectively in each Third of Siena: that of San Martino near the ancient gate of San Maurizio (cover image); then there is that of Camollia which is located in Piazza Tolomei; that of the Terzo di Città which is located in Piazza della Postierla or Quattro Cantoni;
However, the mystery remains of when the Roman she-wolf begins to be featured in Siena and to what circumstance this is linked. You can find out that by booking a guided tour of the city, where we will often find the best-known image of ancient Rome ⟢